Cookies Policy

1. Introduction

  1. Our website uses cookies.
  2. If the cookies are not strictly necessary for the provision of our website and services, we will request your consent for cookie usage when you first visit our website.

2. About Cookies

  1. A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) sent by a web server to a web browser and stored by the browser. The identifier is sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page.
  2. Cookies may be either "persistent" or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie is stored by a web browser and remains valid until its expiry date, unless deleted by the user; a session cookie expires at the end of the user session, when the browser is closed.
  3. Cookies usually do not contain information that personally identifies a user, but personal information we store about you may be linked to the information obtained from cookies.

3. Cookies Used by Our Service Providers

  1. Our service providers use cookies that may be stored on your computer when you visit our website.
  2. We use Google Analytics to analyze website usage, gathering information via cookies. This information helps create reports about our website's use. Google's privacy policy: Relevant cookies: _gat_gtag_UA_27277866_1, _gat_UA-27277866-1, _gid, _ga, __utma, __utmz.
  3. Cloudflare is used for traffic reduction, employing cookies or analytics. Privacy policy: Relevant cookies: __cfduid.

4. Managing Cookies

  1. Most browsers allow you to refuse and delete cookies. Methods vary by browser and version. Obtain up-to-date information via these links:
  2. Chrome
  3. Firefox
  4. Opera
  5. Internet Explorer
  6. Safari
  7. Edge
  8. Blocking all cookies may negatively impact website usability.

5. Our Details

  1. This website is owned and operated by Vayzen LLC
  2. Registered in USA, our registered office is at:
    30 N Gould St Ste R
    Sheridan, WY 82801
  3. Our principal place of business is at:
    30 N Gould St Ste R
    Sheridan, WY 82801
  4. Contact us using our support email.