Terms and Conditions

Please read and comply with the following conditions before you continue.

This website contains specific information, including but not limited to text, links, images, videos, phone numbers, and personal data (collectively referred to as "Adult Information"). This content is intended solely and exclusively for adults aged twenty-one and above.

By proceeding, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

  1. You are prohibited, under penalty of law, from accessing this website and interacting with its members and performers if you are not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
  2. You must not enter this website if any or all of the Adult Information described herein may be offensive to you.
  3. You are responsible for knowing and understanding the legal age and regulations in your jurisdiction regarding accessing and viewing Adult Information.
  4. You are restricted from accessing the website/service in jurisdictions where viewing such Adult Information is prohibited.

By entering this website and using its services, you affirm:

  1. You are at least eighteen (18) years old as of the date of entering this website.
  2. The Adult Information is for your personal use only. You will not expose this information to anyone under the age of eighteen (18). You will not allow individuals under eighteen (18) to access the website or interact with its members or performers.
  3. All Adult Information on the website is the sole property of the website. You will not use this information for personal gain inconsistent with the website's purpose.
  4. The Adult Information on the website will not offend you.
  5. Accessing, reading, exchanging, and downloading Adult Information does not violate any applicable laws in your jurisdiction.
  6. You are solely responsible for the accuracy of any disclosures you make and your actions related to viewing Adult Information.
  7. You release and hold harmless the website and related entities from any liability associated with your use of the website and Adult Information.
  8. You agree to be bound by the website's Terms of Use and understand your responsibilities under them.
  9. By using the website, you submit to the jurisdiction of the Quebec Province, Canada legal system for dispute resolution.
  10. The Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement between you, the website, and other members of the service. If any provision is found unenforceable, the remaining terms remain in effect.
  11. Performers on the website are at least eighteen (18) years old and have consented to sharing their Adult Information.
  12. Adult Information is for entertainment purposes only. Contact with performers and members must occur through the website.
  13. You will not use the website for prostitution-related activities.
  14. You will not engage in discussions about prohibited topics while using the website.
  15. You will not use the website for illegal purposes.
  16. The website is monitored for content compliance.
  17. The website does not guarantee availability or functionality.
  18. Providing false information is a criminal offense.
  19. Your access to the website is at the sole discretion of the website.
  20. You are responsible for payments due for using the website.